More Picture Of How High Should Coat Hooks Be Hung Free Download. This allows wheelchair users and. While no hard rules or regulations exist for hanging a wall-mounted coat rack logic comes into play.

Wrong With one or two or 20 standard coat hooks and a little bit of ingenuity you can create some pretty stellar little hallway hacks worthy of bearing an artsy label like entryway installment rather than dull old coat rack. I would keep both rows of hooks level as you had planned instead of putting one up higher. I mean theres not really much you can do there right.
The coat rack must be within reasonable reach without requiring a footstool and it also must be high enough to keep coats from touching the ground.
If you have multiple children who will be vying for storage space purchase a hook. While no hard rules or regulations exist for hanging a wall-mounted coat rack logic comes into play. The Height on a Wall to Hang a Coat Rack Sturdy Support. Hooks are available in plastic in a wide range of bright colors and even in unique shapes a saucepan for example.